Generalized Parameter Extraction Method Cirsym Publications


G. Mayko, V. Filaretov, and K. Gorshkov, “Equivalent transformations of trees with nullor and mirror pathological elements,” in Proc. of 3rd Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE-2015), Riga, Latvia, pp. 1-5, Nov. 2015.
In this paper the method of circuit synthesis using transformation of trees with pathological elements is discussed. The generalization and mathematical proof of equivalent transformations of trees with mirror and/or nullor pathological elements are presented. Algorithm of generating equivalent trees with these pathological elements is also suggested. It is based on tagging of the vertices (nodes) by taking into account a type of pathological elements between these nodes and preserving these tags during transformations of trees. Illustrative example of universal filter synthesis by means of proposed algorithm is included.

V. Filaretov, K. Gorshkov, and S. Kurganov, “Parameters extraction technique for optimal network functions of SC circuits,” in Proc. of International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2015), Omsk, Russia, pp. 1–6, May 2015.
The parameter extraction technique for symbolic analysis of switched capacitors circuits have been presented. The proposed extraction formulae reduce of cancellation sum-of-product terms amount in transfer function expression. For equivalent circuits of SC the models based on voltage controlled current sources with capacities parameters have been used to avoid the cancellations appearance at the circuit level. The proposed technique is implemented in symbolic circuit analysis program Cirsym. Illustrative examples on SC circuit symbolic analysis are given.

V. Filaretov, K. Gorshkov, and S. Kurganov, “A Cancellation-Free Symbolic Sensitivity Technique Based on Network Determinant Expansion,” Adv. Electr. Eng., vol. 2015, pp. 1–13, 2015.
The generalization of Bode’s sensitivity analysis technique for all types of the transfer functions and circuit elements is presented in the paper. The proposed formulae for first- and second-order symbolic sensitivity calculation provide the compact size of obtained expression and have the advantages of cancellation-free sum-of-product terms and matrix-free computation. This is achieved by means of the concept of high order summative cofactors and the generalized parameter extraction method. The proposed technique is implemented in symbolic circuit analysis program Cirsym. Illustrative example on symbolic sensitivity circuit analysis and comparison of the presented technique with the transimpedance method and the method based on the modified Coates flow-graph are given.

Filaretov and K.S. Gorshkov, “Topological analysis of active networks containing pathological mirror elements,” In Proc. of IEEE XXXIII International Scientific Conference "ELECTRONICS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY" (ELNANO–2013), Kiev, Ukrain, pp. 293–296, April 2013.
The new topological rules providing symbolic analysis of the networks with pathological mirror elements have been proposed. The approach is based on generalized parameter extraction method and it doesn't require presentation of the circuit in matrix or oriented graph form. The main advantage of this method is that there are no reductions of the generated terms of symbolic expressions. The method has been implemented in the computer program SCADS. A discussion of theoretical basics as well as results of the calculation is included.

V.V. Filaretov and K.S. Gorshkov, “A circuit synthesis technique based on network determinant expansion,” in Proc. of International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD`12), Seville, Spain, pp. P. 293–296, Sept. 2012.
In this paper we present a simple technique of analog electronic circuits synthesis by means of a linear representation. The approach is based on generalized parameter extraction method. It describes the procedure for developing the circuit topology both for passive or active circuits. The input data for the proposed synthesis method are the arbitrary network function approximated in polynomial form and specified elements set. In contrast to other synthesis approaches the proposed technique provides the realization of full set of equivalent circuits and allow to choose the best circuit solutions by various criteria. Experiments conducted on the low-pass filter design demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness of synthesis method.

V.V. Filaretov and K.S. Gorshkov, “The Generalization of the Extra Element Theorem for Symbolic Circuit Tolerance Analysis,” Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2011, Article ID 652706, 5 p, April 2011.
A new method of the symbolic circuit tolerance analysis has been proposed. The approach is based on Middlebrook’s extra element theorem and the generalized parameter extraction method. It does not need the matrix network description or presentation as algebraic sets or topological graphs. The proposed techniques have been realized in the computer program (Toleralize). To verify the theoretical analysis, computer simulation results are included.

V.V. Filaretov and K.S. Gorshkov, “Transconductance Realization of Block-diagrams of Electronic Networks,” in Proc. of International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES`08), Krakow, Poland, pp. 261–264, Sept. 2008.
A method of realization of block-diagram is proposed. The algorithm of transconductance realization is presented. The features of the algorithm for the design of high-precision amplifiers is discussed. The results of circuit simulation of electric networks based on the transconductance amplifiers, and a comparison between these networks and conventional operational amplifiers based circuits are included.

Filaretov V., Gorshkov K. Transconductance Realization of Block-diagrams of Electronic Networks // Proc. of International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES`08).– Krakow, Poland.– 2008.– Р. 261–264. (формат PDF - 154Кб)
A method of realization of block-diagram is proposed. The algorithm of transconductance realization is presented. The features of the algorithm for the design of high-precision amplifiers is discussed. The results of circuit simulation of electric networks based on the transconductance amplifiers, and a comparison between these networks and conventional operational amplifiers based circuits are included.

V.V.Filaretov, A.S.Korotkov, “Generalized parameter extraction method in case of multiple excitation,” // Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Symbolic methods and applications to circuit design, Wroclaw, Poland, pp.8-11, September 2004. (формат PDF - 155Кб)
An extension of the generalized parameter extraction method for the case of multiple excitations is considered. The task of the analysis is to obtain the circuit response in symbolic form. The approach is based on simultaneous determinant calculation of numerator and denominator of the function that presents the response. An example of the method application illustrates the theoretical part of the paper.

V.V. Filaretov and A.S. Korotkov, “Generalized parameter extraction method in case of multiple excitation,” in Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Symbolic methods and applications to circuit design, Wroclaw, Poland, pp.8–11, Sept. 2004.
An extension of the generalized parameter extraction method for the case of multiple excitations is considered. The task of the analysis is to obtain the circuit response in symbolic form. The approach is based on simultaneous determinant calculation of numerator and denominator of the function that presents the response. An example of the method application illustrates the theoretical part of the paper.

V.V.Filaretov, A.S.Korotkov. Generalized Parameter Extraction Method in Symbolic Network Analysis // European conference on circuit theory and design (ECCTD–2003). – Krakуw, Poland, 2003.– Vol. 2. P. 406-409. (формат PDF - 161Кб)
A new method of the symbolic circuit analysis has been proposed. The method is based on special circuit transformation and on a new algorithm of an extraction of nullors and controlled source parameters. It doesn’t need the network description or presentation as algebraic sets or topological graphs. The main advantage of the method is that it is cancellation free. The method has been realized in the computer program CIRSYM. A discussion of theoretical basics, as well as a result of the calculation, is included.

V.V. Filaretov and A.S.Korotkov, “Generalized parameter extraction method in symbolic network analysis,” in Proc. ECCTD, Krakow, Poland, vol. 2, pp. 406–409, Sept. 2003.
A new method of the symbolic circuit analysis has been proposed. The method is based on special circuit transformation and on a new algorithm of an extraction of nullors and controlled source parameters. It doesn't need network description or presentation as algebraic sets or topological graphs. The main advantage of the method is that it is cancellation free. The method has been realized in the computer program CIRSYM. A discussion of theoretical basics, as well as a result of the calculation, is included.

V.V.Filaretov, “A topological analysis of electronic circuits by a parameter extraction method,” Electrical technology Russia, no. 2, pp.46-61, 1998.
The problem of deriving an expression for symbolic network functions is considered. A network approach to this problem, proposed by Feussner, is extended to networks with controlled sources. The method proposed here, unlike that proposed by Barrows and Hoang, does not require laborious enumeration of transfer loop circuits.

Filaretov V.V. Improved decoding method for electrical network analysis // Electrical technology.- 1996.- N 4.- P. 41-53. (формат PDF - 7,5Мб)